Are Hair Transplants an Option for People with Curly Hair?

Are Hair Transplants an Option for People with Curly Hair?

As a result of hair loss in people with curly hair, a hair transplant can be performed. Curly hair is a type of hair that is more sensitive than straight hair. There is only one point to be considered before the transplant process on curly hair, and that is the structure of the hair.

Hair Transplant of Curly Hair

Performing hair transplantation on curly and wavy hair differs compared to patients who have straight hair. Since the attachment angles of the roots under the skin are different, curly and wavy hair should be approached more carefully. If you have curly hair and want to have a transplant, first of all, your doctor needs to analyze your hair before the procedure. According to the results of this analysis, your doctor can determine the angles at which your hair is turning under the skin.

It is very important that your doctor calculates these angles and performs the procedure within the framework of this plan. If your doctor does not calculate the angle while taking the roots from under the skin, you may experience a large amount of root loss. However, you may have great difficulties in reaching the number of roots you plan before hair transplantation. For this reason, every detail should be analyzed well for curly hair patients.

The Benefits of Curly Hair During Transplants

This type of hair usually has a very high hair density. This makes it easier to close bald spots with fewer hair follicles than straight hair. In a patient with straight hair, the doctor has to practice more to restore the hair in the sparse area. But for a patient with curly and wavy hair, the doctor takes much less effort. Because it is much easier to fill the areas where sparseness occurs in patients with this type of hair. However, curly hair transplantation produces much more voluminous and lush hair than transplantation for smooth-haired patients. The reason for this is that hair in the sparse area creates a much thicker hair appearance.

The Difficulties of Curly Hair Transplants

Curly hair follicles are complex methodologies that require a great deal of care. However, this hair structure moves in a spiral shape from end to end. Naturally, it is necessary to be extremely careful to remove it and then place it in the area where it is needed. This also increases the risk of not being able to adapt to the area where the hair follicles are transplanted. Therefore, if your doctor does not perform this operation correctly, the result you will obtain may have a clear or artificial appearance.

Hair transplant to patients with curly or wavy hair requires special attention. There are a few points to be considered for hair transplant to patients with these hair types. If you are an African-American, your doctor will take special care to prevent scarring when taking follicular units from you. However, If a patient has a legacy of keloids, they have to go for a check-up every two weeks for the first six months after the hair transplant to see how it heals. If necessary, Kenalog intramuscular injection may be given as supportive therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does FUE work for curly hair?

Yes. The most suitable hair transplant for people with this hair is the DHI hair transplantation and FUE hair transplantation method. Both methods are started with the process of collecting hair follicles from the back of your head, which is the donor area. Carefully collected hair follicles are kept in a solution to ensure better quality.

Which hair type is best for hair transplant?

Although the same number of hair follicles are transplanted in people with thick hair, much more satisfactory results are obtained than in people with thin hair. Because thick hair will absorb more light reflected from the scalp, that is, reduce it, the appearance of “baldness” is less noticeable.

Can you change your hair type with hair transplant?

After the hair transplant procedure, the hair structure does not change. Hair taken from the most suitable donor area of your body is transplanted into the recipient area. Therefore, your hair follicles do not grow in a different structure after the procedure.