Benefits of Sports on Hair Health

Benefits of Sports on Hair Health

Did you know that doing sports is beneficial for healthy and strong hair? Nowadays we keep saying that we hardly have time to exercise. Generally, many of us apply a number of care oils to strengthen our hair. In fact, when attention is paid to nutrition with the hair care oils used, if the person does not have any disease, the hair will maintain its naturalness in a healthy way. If your hair is falling out despite all these applications, you will need to exercise and do sports for your hair health in line with the time you allocate to yourself at this point.

How Does The Hair Grow?

The hair generally grows in a three-stage manner and this cycle is repeated constantly. In the first stage, the hair follicles formed by a new hair texture grow approximately between two and eight years. The second phase is completed in a period of two to four weeks. At this stage, the growth of hair stops. In the final stage, which lasts between two and four months, the hair is no longer fed. However, you will not encounter any spillage problems at this stage.

After the final stage, the cycle of hair growth is completed. After that, the first stage is passed again. An average of 100 strands of hair are lost every day. This shedding is a normal stage of the process. Having a loss allows new hair to grow, that is, to make room for new hair.

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss can develop due to different reasons. You may need a hair health expert for your hair loss problem that develops due to hormonal causes or an underlying disease. You can find a solution to this problem with different treatment options in a quality hair health center. Among the treatments to regrow healthy hair, the most commonly used treatment is hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is the most effective health hair regrowth treatment in areas where sparseness occurs in people with chronic hair loss problems.

Some factors that cause of hair loss are:

  • Genetic factors
  • Alopecia areata
  • Pregnancy
  • Skin problems
  • Telogen effluvium
  • Stress
  • Drug treatments
  • Wrong eating habits
  • Disturbance in sleep patterns
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency

Does Sport Cause Hair Loss?

One of the most curious issues about hair health is whether an intense sports program causes hair loss. According to experts, by the age of 35, two-thirds of men experience a noticeable degree of hair loss. However, as we mentioned above, hair loss can have many causes.

So, does overtraining cause hair loss? In order to give an accurate answer to this question, it is necessary to determine the degree of excessive sports. However, you also need to know if the intense workouts you do cause changes in your body. Hair growth occurs in an average of 3-5 years. Therefore, a hair loss due to increased testosterone is unlikely to occur due to heavy sports. In addition, training programs; Since it causes a temporary increase in testosterone levels, this is not expected to have a long-lasting effect on hair loss either. In short, there is no harm in doing sports for viviscal advanced hair health.

How Important is Exercise For Hair Health?

You sweat a lot when you exercise. In this way, toxic substances in your body are eliminated from the skin pores. So you will have a fresher and brighter skin. Likewise, when you sweat, your scalp is also affected. When you sweat, your hair follicles will open up and you will provide enough space for new hair to grow. In addition, regular training accelerates your blood circulation. When blood circulation speeds up in your scalp, your hair follicles get more nutrients and oxygen. Well nourished hair follicles naturally grow quickly. hair follicles naturally grow quickly.

Does Sport Help Hair Growth?

The stress we encounter in our daily lives automatically affects our body. Our bodies quickly produce the stress hormone cortisol when we’re stressed. Hair loss may occur as a result of the hormone cortisol caused by stress. When we do regular sports, our body produces the hormone happiness. Thanks to the happiness hormone called serotonin, which reduces stress, it has a direct effect on both our skin and hair health.

In addition to doing regular sports, you also need to consume hair healthy foods for your hair health and beauty. We now provide you with the most important hair health tips you need to know.

  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Stay away from stress.
  • Take regular care of your hair with natural oils that are good for your hair.
  • Take care to sleep at least 6 and at most 8 hours a day.
  • Cut your hair regularly every three months.
  • Use for hair health vitamins regularly.

How To Improve You Hair Health?

As we mentioned above, for your hair health, you basically need to have regular and balanced life habits. However, it is also wondered whether health benefits of not washing your hair. We need to say this about this: your hair needs its own structure. It has been scientifically proven that your hair is nourished with oil that it produces itself. That’s why bathing every day can cause your hair to dry out and fall out. However, we recommend that you take a shower every other day or two so that your hair can be nourished with its own oil for a day or two.

Apart from these, we also recommend that you use biotin. But you need to use biotin with the advice of a doctor. If your hair loss problem is too much and you now have an opening in your scalp, hair transplantation may be a definite treatment method for you. Sometimes sports or regular eating habits or vitamin use may not be effective in age-related hair loss problems. In such cases, you can choose treatments such as hair transplantation or laser treatments. Before all this, we recommend that you be examined by a specialist doctor for your hair health.

Hair Health Clinic in Turkey

There are hair health clinics in Turkey for your hair health problems. Hair treatments in Turkey have been very effective recently. However, highly successful results are obtained in laser treatments and hair transplantations applied by experienced doctors in the field. One of the best hair health clinics in Turkey is Erdem Clinic. Because the majority of patients coming to Turkey from foreign countries receive services here. And at the end of this service, the vast majority of patients have happy outcomes.

If you want to get free examination and consultancy at Erdem Clinic, you can contact us by filling out the form on our hair transplantation page.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I improve my hair health?

For your hair health, you basically need to have regular and balanced life habits. However, it is also wondered whether health benefits of not washing your hair. We need to say this about this: your hair needs its own structure. It has been scientifically proven that your hair is nourished with oil that it produces itself. That’s why bathing every day can cause your hair to dry out and fall out. However, we recommend that you take a shower every other day or two so that your hair can be nourished with its own oil for a day or two.

How can I check if my hair is healthy?

Pinch a strand of hair between your index finger and middle fingers. – Swipe between your fingers from top to root. If you feel that your hair is uneven and hard, it means that your hair is damaged. If your hair slips smoothly, it’s healthy.

What are signs of damaged hair?

The easiest way to tell if your hair is damaged is to hold the hair upside down and run your fingers from the end to the beginning. If your fingers are caught in the hair, they’re probably damaged. However, damaged hair usually does not shine and becomes dull. Especially hair that does not shine even after care shows signs of damage.