Hair Tranplant Procedures for Diabetes Patient

Hair Tranplant Procedures for Diabetes Patient

In patients with diabetes, hair transplant processes are safe and successful for most people. But the results depend on whether your diabetes is under control. It also depends on the type of your diabetes. If you have diabetes and are considering a hair transplant, you need to pay attention to certain issues.

What’s a Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a complex condition where the level of sugar in the blood is too high. Two different diabetes diseases are available, Type 2 diabetes vs type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is less common than type 2 and is caused by the body’s immune system attacking the cells that produce insulin. It is usually diagnosed in childhood. Type 2 diabetes usually occurs at advanced ages and is caused by the body not producing enough insulin or the body’s inability to respond correctly to insulin.

How Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Hair loss problems with diabetes can develop based on different causes in diabetes patients.

Hormonal Problems

Diabetes symptoms can include hair loss due to hormonal changes. Uncontrolled ups and downs, particularly at the blood sugar level, can be cited as the cause. All hormones in our bodies are controlled by the endocrine system. If blood sugar levels are not normal, this can disrupt the endocrine system. In this case, the production of some hormones that make hair grow slower. Or it just breaks down. Hair follicles, which remain ineffective, lose weight. And he can’t produce new, healthy hair.

We have good news for you here; if you keep your blood sugar in check with proper nutrition or medication, you may find that your hair starts to come out again. At this stage, the hair transplant process is ideal for boosting this growth.

Blood Circulatory Problems

Another reason diabetes leads to hair loss is problems in the blood circulatory. If blood sugar levels cannot be kept under control and rise excessively, this excess sugar in the blood can react with hemoglobin, which is present in red blood cells.

Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen to all parts of our bodies. If there is a high amount of sugar in the blood, hemoglobin becomes “glycosylated” This glycosyl hemoglobin has a different shape from normal hemoglobin. And can get stuck in our tiny veins, called capillaries. This condition causes its oxygen to not be transported as well as needed to the body, leaving different tissues and cells without oxygen to die. If the same happens in hair root cells, hair follicles will die and your hair will start to fall out.

So keeping your blood sugar in check is vital for both healthy hair follicles and other parts of your body.

Otoimmune Diseases

Patients with type 1 diabetes in particular are more likely to experience hair loss problem. In these patients, the immune system accidentally attacks healthy cells. And that causes a hair loss problem.

Can Hair Transplantation Done on Diabetic Patients?

Depending, on diabetes hair loss, can often develop a pinto persistent baldness problem. The exact solution to this problem is the hair transplant process. If you can keep your sugar in control for long hours, this process isn’t wrong for you. But, if you need to use insulin during the day, this process can be objectionable for you. Because this process takes longer than five hours. In the meantime, you may experience dangerous changes in your blood sugar.

If you have blood sugar, make sure to consult your doctor about whether to have the procedure done or not.

Type 1 Diabetes Hair Transplant

In diabetes hair transplant process must be done in a controlled manner. In patients with type 1 diabetes, this process carries a little more risk. This is because Type 1 patients have too much need to use insulin. Because this process takes long hours, it can be risky for you. As a result, the treatment plan must be specified individually. It is your doctor who will make this decision.

Type 2 Diabetes Hair Transplant

Hair transplants can be successfully performed in patients with type 2 diabetes symptoms. But, the procedure can be administered if blood sugar can be kept under control. In type 2 diabetes hair transplant process, the patient should have a detailed examination first. It should be established whether the patient’s health condition is risky for hair transplants or not. Important elements examined during preliminary interviews and detailed checks;

  • Examining all of the patient’s tests,
  • The effect of diabetes on the circulatory system,
  • Controllability of blood sugar level,
  • Predetermining complications that can occur after a hair transplant.

FUE Hair Transplant Diabetes Patient

The fue hair transplant technique is one of the best techniques for diabetics. But the primary goal, no matter what technique is done, is to keep the patient’s sugar in check. Patient safety is always a priority.

In Diabetes Hair Transplant with DHI Technique

The process of transplanting hair with the dhi technique is also suitable for patients with diabetes. But as with any procedure, blood sugar control takes precedence.

Hair Transplant For The Diabetes Patients in Turkey

In Turkey, hair transplantation procedure is safely and successfully administered to patients with diabetes. With blood tests taken ahead of the procedure and detailed examination, doctors recognise their patients. Patient-specific hair transplant technique is determined. Blood sugar is controlled prior to the procedure. And it is followed throughout the process. The following steps are applied, respectively:

Blood Tests

Before the hair transplant process, you are given a special test called the “HbA1c” test. As a diabetic, you probably know this test. It’s a lab test that detects how much glycosyl haemoglobin is present in the blood. This is an indication of how well your blood sugar is kept in check.

Blood Sugar Follow

Your blood sugar is definitely checked before the procedure. If it’s high or low, it’s contained. Then processing begins. But if your doctor thinks the procedure won’t suit you, they may give up doing so.

Time of Process

This process usually takes between 6 to 9 hours. This has been a long time coming. Therefore, your blood sugar must be taken into account. During the procedure, your blood sugar is measured at routine intervals. Processing can be stopped on any issue.

Healing Wounds

In diabetes hair transplant, there may be problems healing wounds after the process. For patients who cannot keep their blood sugar under control, this process is difficult. Wounds heal much later in patients with diabetes than in someone without diabetes. That’s why your doctor will want to see you more often during the healing process.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I regain my hair loss as a diabetic?

Some diabetes patients may experience hair loss problems. These can develop due to different causes, such as hormonal and circulatory problems. But the way to recover your hair that falls out during diabetes is to transplant hair. This method is the most effective one that has recently provided the definitive solution to the baldness problem.

Can a diabetic patient get hair transplant?

Hair transplant procedures can be performed in patients with diabetes. This process is perfectly safe if your blood sugar is kept under control. But post-procedure wounds can take some time to heal.

Is hair loss from diabetes permanent?

Hair loss can last long in some patients with diabetes. This process can have lasting consequences, as can baldness. But with different methods of treatment, it is possible to address the baldness problem.