Health Tourism for Hair Transplant in Turkey

Health Tourism for Hair Transplant in Turkey

Health tourism has become a highly developed sector in Turkey in latest years. The number of patients coming to Turkey for hair transplants is increasing each day compared to other countries. So, what are the reasons that Turkey is one of the leading country of hair transplantation tourism? Take a look out.

What is Health Tourism?

Health tourism is getting benefits of health and tourism advantages of people with purposes protection of health or treating disease where someone by travelling to different country from their country. They can include all kinds of healthcare.

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair style has been a major factor for both men and women from the past to the present. Depending on whether the hair is sparse or strong, one’s self-esteem increases or decreases. A healthy hair has also become way to look strong to the opposite today. So hair loss, especially in latest years, also causes loss of number of psychological difficulties.

Hair replacement is a apply that producing solutions while experiencing just these problems. Hair transplant is the process of planting to the hair follicle is no longer active where areas with micro-surgery methods.

Why Turkey Is Developed in Health Tourism?

In Turkey, hair transplants performed out both at an affordable price and by professional teams. Therefore, often patients from abroad prefer to Turkey. After all, patients are served perfectly in all processes.

Turkey within scope of health tourism serve for many disease or need to care and beauty. Among the reasons why patients come to Turkey, affordable prices, professional services, and the natural and historical beauty of our country.

Why Should I Get Hair Transplant in Turkey?

In Turkey, the hair transplants prices are much lower than in European countries. After all, services are cheap and high-quality. There are very successful results from experienced experts in the field especially in hair plantations.

We tell you three reasons why you should have hair transplants in Turkey:

Best Prices for Hair Tansplant

As stated above, affordable services are first reason for get hair transplant in Turkey. Patients can save between 70 to 80% on prices compared to their home country. Besides, in Turkish hair transplantation centres prices usually have their prices determined by the quality of the staff and the center working in that center.

Best Location for Hair Transplant

Geographical location of Turkey is more easily accessible than other countries. For this reason, it’s more easy to came to Turkey of patients for health tourism needs.

Studies are well above world class. Therefore, more from five thousand tourists comes to Turkey for got healthcare service every months. Besides all these by means of hair transplant packages, patients are both as get hair transplant and as travel to town.

Experienced Team for Health Tourism

It is made up of people who specialize in the field of medical teams working for hair surgery in Turkey. One of the main reasons why hair transplantation procedures have failed is because the procedure was performed by inexperienced doctors. But this is not the case in the best hair transplantation centers in Turkey.

We advise you to search the center in advance so that you do not encounter an unexpected situation in this point. After a good research, you can interview places where you are sure of their quality.

Hair Transplant Prices in Turkey

The price depends on the quality of the center. The most important thing to point, the experience of the doctor who will carry out the procedure. Because this is more important than anything else. But in all conditions hair transplants in Turkey are lower paid than European countries.

Hair Transplant Prices in Istanbul

İstanbul hair transplant prices vary according to the clinic where the procedure will be performed as stated above. But in Turkey, the best hair transplant clinics are located here. The prices of the clinic vary according to the experience of the health workers. It is also decisive medical equipment used whether latest technology or not the in prices.

Health Tourism for Hair Transplant at Erdem Clinic

With the advancement of medicine technologies, effective treatments against hair loss have emerged. These operations at Erdem Clinic’s Hair Plantation Center are giving completely healthy and fast result treatments. By the specialists in their fields in made up operations are getting positive results on the many patients. These operations also more affordable than others.

Erdem Clinic is one of the most preferred clinics in Turkey for hair transplantation tourism. Having specialist staff made the Erdem Clinic of the best hair transplant centres.

Health Tourism Process at Erdem Clinic

Hair transplants performed at the Erdem clinic are DHI and FUE hair transplants. FUE hair transplantation is the removal of follicular units and DHI is a direct hair transplant process.

No Need To Wait Health Tourism For Hair Transplant

The interrest is huge to hair transplants in Turkey. At the same time, patients don’t wait too long for the process. Sales consultants carry out this process too easy. All patients questions are answered instantly and their every need is met. This prevents crowds at hair planting centers.

Process of Rapid Recovery

Turkey has advanced technology in hair transplantation technology. Therefore, the healing process of patients is very fast. Patients are able to return their daily lives activites two days after the hair transplant process.

Experienced International Service

It is a difficult decision for travelling abroad the hair transplant process. To make that decision, you have to trust on the center you’re going to. There is always risk in health tourism. But this risk is being minimised thanks to experienced clinics. So again, the most important issue is researching of the clinic you will go to.

Here are the questions you need to ask the quality of the hair transplant centre:

  • Where’s the hair transplant center?
  • Who’s in your line-up?
  • Is the doctor who will perform the hair transplant experienced?
  • What are the satisfaction rates of patients patient who has had a previous procedure?
  • Which devices are used?
  • What is the content of the package you will use?
  • Who will you contact with regarding the transactions?
  • Finally, how much are you going to pay?
  • Why Important Is the Cost In Clinics?

The quality and price connection is important. But price is not first element you should pay attention to in health tourism. But the fact remains that the price you pay will help you understand the quality of the clinic. Generally, Turkey’s the best clinics are more highly paid than others. That would still be far more affordable than you would pay in your home country.

If you want to know the Erdem Clinic hair transplant prices, you can contact our call centre.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Have a Hair Transplant in Turkey?

The teams who transplant hair in Turkey are quite experienced. In Turkey, however, hair cultivation patients can also pay tourist visits. At the same time, prices are well-suited to other European countries.

Where Are the Best Hair Transplant Centers in Turkey?

Turkey’s the best hair clinics are usually located in large provinces. But the province with the best centres is Istanbul.

Is It Risk To Prefer Health Tourism for Hair Transplant?

Processes at a good health centre are always less risk. So wherever you’re going to get a hair transplant outside your country, it’s very important that the centre you go to is quality. So, the risk is minimal.