Telogen Effluvium: Know Why!

Telogen Effluvium: Know Why!

Our hair has 3 different periods, which we can call “the growth cycle”. Anagen, Catagen and Telogen phases. The anagen phase is the phase in which the hair is born and develops; It takes 3 to 5 years. The catagen phase is the period of change and lasts for 2-3 weeks. The telogen phase which is the place for telogen effluvium, is the resting, shedding period and lasts for 3 months; which is the natural cycle.

During the life of an indiviual, hair falls out an average of 20 times and new hair comes in its place. Of course, the growth and shedding phases of each hair occur at different times, and for this reason, the amount of our hair never decreases or there is no thinning in our hair. Normally, only 10% of our hair is in the telogen phase. When there is telogen effluvium, the number of daily hair loss can be up to 750.

Our hair is a part of our body and our hair is inevitably affected by any change in our general health. Sometimes, when an extraordinary event occurs in our health or life – for example, a major distress, stress, illness, high fever, accident, surgery, etc. – this hair growth cycle is interrupted and disrupted. For this reason, more hair than ever before enters the telogen phase. This rate can be up to 35% and sometimes even 50% of the total hair. In other words, while we accept the loss of 100 hairs in a day as normal, 750 or more hair loss is also possible in a day

During this hair count, there may be cases where we count sometimes 3000, sometimes 6000 hairs falling out. Unfortunately, it can be extremely frustrating for the person experiencing this process.

Extreme Hair Loss

This type of intense hair loss usually occurs 3 months after the event that disrupts the above-mentioned cycle (a great distress, stress, illness, high fever, accident, surgery, etc.), and this type of excessive hair loss, because of the effluvium occurs in the telogen phase, which has the name of telogen effluvium.

Detection of Telegon Effluvium is a subject that requires expertise. Just as we cannot call every hair loss genetic hair loss, we cannot call every “extreme” hair loss Telogen Effluvium. It is of great importance that the determine correctly, that direct the people to the right product and application.

When to Cure?

Telogen Efflivium can sometimes improve in a short time (4 to 6 months), or sometimes it can last for years, and this condition can become chronic telogen effluvium. Avoiding from that, it is importan to eat a balanced and good (protein rich) regular diet, pay attention to your sleep, manage your stress and check your blood if you have any missing values, support them under the supervision of a doctor.

Telogen Effluvium Causes

1) May be seasonal. It may fall more than normal, especially in spring.

2) The medications such as; antidepressants, hormonal pills can cause hair loss.

3) Some chronic diseases we have; thyroid disorder and anemia can trigger hair loss.

4) Stress is one of the important factors that cause our hair to fall out. Generally, three or four months after the stressful events we experience and because of this diseases we experience, we can see an intense falling in our hair.

5) Hair loss which is three or four months after pregnancy is physiological. Sometimes this process can take longer. It would be appropriate to treat it before it becomes chronic. Chronic telogen effluvium treatment may need different precautions.

6) Genetic factors have an important role in hair loss, family history is very important here.

Acute Telogen Effluvium

Acute Telogen Effluvium is q severe hair loss that starts approximately 2-3 months after the exposure and lasts for an average of 4-6 months as a result of a sudden situation. Daily hair loss can be up to 400 strands, but there are new hairs. For this reason, over time, many short hairs of the same length grow. Weakening and regression can be seen especially in the front hairline.

We can list the factors that cause acute Telogen Effluvium as follows:

  • To give birth
  • Have a febrile illness
  • Be operated
  • Medication use, antibiotics, etc.
  • Lose weight fast
  • Shock, grief, intense stress
  • Get hurt, bleed
  • Have an infection

The factors that cause acute Telogen Effluvium are usually transitory. For this reason, as the effect of the exposure on the body wears off, the shedding returns to normal and the hair regains its old form in about 1 year.

Telogen Effluvium Treatment

The key element in the treatment of chronic Telogen Effluvium is primarily trying to correctly identify and eliminate the causative factor. As long as the problem that destroys the hair in the infrastructure continues, no treatment method will give satisfactory results. Especially in the case of Telogen Effluvium due to anemia, blood values ​​should not increased to ideal ranges, but to values ​​necessary for healthy support of the hair.

In addition to correcting the underlying causes, support can obtain from the care programs that will be applied directly to the hair in order to control the shedding faster and to make the regrowth of hair healthy and strong. These methods should also be determined according to the type of hair loss, the rate and quality of hair growth and can be glazed as follows:

  • Trichological care applications
  • Hair laser
  • Mesotherapy or hair applications
  • Dermaroller or dermapen applications
  • Tonics containing minoxil or procapil

Chronic Telogen Effluvium is one of the most common types of hair loss and it can often be confused with genetic shedding and incorrect treatment methods can be applied. This can make the problem even more serious, especially in women, by creating a psychological depression.

A hair problem that can be easily controlled can cause much more loss. For this reason, it is very important that every hair loss case is carefully and carefully evaluated by experts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does telogen effluvium last?
Telogen Efflivium can sometimes improve in a short time (4 to 6 months), or sometimes it can last for years, and this condition can become chronic telogen effluvium.

What do telogen effluvium hairs look like?
You most likely have telogen effluvium if the doctor gently tugs on some hairs on your head and four or more hairs fall out. Also, the hairs will appear to be in the telogen phase, with a white bulb at the end of the hair that was in the scalp and no gel-like cover around that end.

What vitamin should I take for hair loss?
Biotin (B16 vitamin) is an important item for the cells of body and also a great helper when it comes to hair loss.