Thinning Hair

Thinning Hair

Thinning hair is one of the common problem people encounter when it comes to hair problems. Most of the living tissues are constantly changing and renewing, so they consist of cells that need to be fed continuously and need many substances and vitamins to maintain their quality. Hair root is a living tissue and it is the organ that changes the fastest. That is why it has the most cell renewal. Naturally, it needs to be fed better than all tissues.

Why Hair Thins: Quality Problems

The decrease in the substances that give quality to the hair can cause many problems such as hair loss, loss of quality, thinning, bifurcation, breakage from the ends, dulling, fading, slow growth. The first sign of loss of quality appears as thinning of the hair, if the cause persists, problems such as rapid breakage, lack of elongation, inability to shape and lighten color may come out.

As written above, in addition to various substance deficiencies, some diseases and physiological conditions can cause thinning of the hair. The needed minerals and vitamins to provide quality on hair are:

  • Keratin
  • Vitamin B7 (biotin) is also called vitamin H.
  • L-Cystine (cysteine)
  • Methionine
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Vitamin B5 (Panthothenic acid)

Whether the hair strands are thick or thin, it is related to the structure of the hair follicles. Root structure, as a genetic inheritance, is not something changeable. From time to time, hair strands may weaken or even fall out due to environmental factors such as diseases, injuries, medications, wrong hair care practices or severe stress. But this is almost always temporary, and when conditions improve, the hair will return to its original state. In short, the hair does not thin out structurally; either already thin or periodically affected by negative factors.

Thinning hair strands reasons are generally about:

  • Over-treating your hair
  • Getting short on certain vitamins and vitamin
  • A stressful life
  • Tight Hair-dos
  • Apllying harsh hair products

Thinning hair can be inherited or the result of underlying medical issues. If you do any of the following, your hair may be thinning.

  • newly giving born to a baby
  • Stopping birth control pills
  • Some hormonal changes
  • Losing significant weight ( especially after obesity operations)
  • Autoimmune diseases treatment
  • Immune system problems
  • Skin diseases
  • Vitamin D deficiency

Thinning Hair Treatment

If there is a triggering disease as the cause, treatment of the disease will be effective in solving the problem. If a clear disease has not been revealed, considering that it may be caused by the deficiency of one or more of the substances listed above, taking tablets containing these substances will be the most effective solution to the problem. The most effective way of taking all these substances is to take them orally as pills, when the tablets used for hair loss are evaluated in general, xpecia tablets are ahead in terms of these ingredients.

If there is a thinning spill, then using scientifically proven sprays in addition to the tablet takes the success much higher. If the spill is not obvious, using a spray may not be very meaningful.

You can fill out the contact form on our hair transplantation page to get more detailed information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can thinning hair grow back?
If non-genetic reasons such as; stress, malnutrition or pregnancy cause the thinning hair, patient experience regrowth.

How do you fix thinning hair?
Medicational supports such as minoxidil, finasteride; needle treatment called microneedling, low-level laser therapy or hair transplantation are the medical assistants that can be carried out by the advice of your doctor.

Does hair thin as you age?
As the time passes hair follicles may lost their strenght and they may become gray.